Dr Andrew Mooney presenting the 23rd Annual Med-Chi Prize to Charlotte Kenyon, 3/12/24
Welcome to the Med Chi! We are a friendly group of doctors and professions allied to medicine, from all specialties and general practice. We meet in Leeds for a meal followed by a talk. Subjects range from student and trainee presentations on cutting-edge research to updates from local consultants on their special interests, as well as guest lectures on overseas medical projects.
The Med Chi is a great way for doctors of all ages to stay informed about the bigger picture, and for retirees to keep in touch with old friends and make new ones. Most of all, it is a golden opportunity for doctors to relax together.
The Society holds its meetings from October to May – information about the next meeting and the future programme is here. In June we hold our annual Society Dinner which is followed by entertainment and is always well attended.
The Society welcomes new members to ensure injection of fresh and up to date ideas. The Annual Subscription is very affordable at £30 for new members and is tax deductible. All hospital doctors, general practitioners and community physicians, working or retired, are very welcome, as are members of professions allied to medicine. If you are interested, please email the Secretary,
Dr Teresa Devereux, at teresa@devrx.org
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[Last updated: 06-12-24]